Notice of Privacy Practices
Last Updated August 1, 2023
The Notice of Privacy Practices (“NOPP,” “Notice”) describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.
PinkBridge NP Family Health PC (“PinkBridge PC,” “we,” “us,” and “our”), its owners, directors, managers, employees, independent contractors, workforce members who are involved in providing and coordinating health care are all bound to follow the terms of this Notice of Privacy Practices and must follow the duties outlined in the Notice.
By law PinkBridge PC is required to: a) keep your protected health information private; b) give you this Notice of privacy practices with respect to your PHI; c) follow the terms of the Notice that is currently in effect.
What is the Notice of Privacy Practices?
The Notice of Privacy Practices explains how we fulfill our commitment to respect the privacy and confidentiality of your protected health information. This Notice explains how we may use and share your protected health information, as well as the legal obligations we have regarding your protected health information, and about your rights under federal and state laws.
We, at Pinkbridge PC, are required by law to make sure that information that identifies you is kept private, and to make this Notice available to you. In this Notice, the term “protected health information” (PHI) refers to individually identifiable information about you, which includes:
a) Information about your health condition and test results
b) Information about healthcare services you received in the past, or you may receive in the future
c) You address, and demographics
d) Your contact phone number, email, etc.
e) Your photos
PHI means individually identifiable health information, as defined by HIPAA, that is created or received by us and that relates to the past, present, or future physical or mental health or condition; and that identifies the individual or for which there is a reasonable basis the information can be used to identify the individual.
The members of PinkBridge PC will share PHI with each other for the purpose of treatment, payment, and healthcare operations governed by and in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”), and according to federal and state regulations.
PinkBridge PC may use and disclose your protected health information without your consent to:
Provide you with medical treatment and other services
Coordinate your care, which may include such things as sending to you an appointment reminder, informing you about the other treatment options/health benefits available, calling you about constituents pertaining to your clinical care which may be of interest to you.
Obtain payment for treatment
Support healthcare operations
Business Associates: We provide some services through contracts with business associates, such as accountants, consultants, attorneys, third-party contractors, so that they can perform the tasks that we have assigned to them. To protect your health information, we require the business associate to appropriately safeguard health information about you.
Other Uses and Disclosures: We may make certain other uses and disclosures of your PHI without your authorization. We may use or disclose your PHI for any purpose required by law. For example, we may be required by law to use or disclose your PHI to respond to court orders.
We may disclose your PHI for public health activities, such as reporting birth, injury, and other instances to meet special situations such as public health and safety investigations.
We may disclose your PHI to the proper authorities if we suspect abuse or neglect; we may also disclose your PHI if we believe you to be a victim of abuse, neglect, or domestic violence.
We may disclose your PHI if authorized by law to a government oversight agency conducting audit, investigation, or civil or criminal proceedings. We may disclose your PHI in the course of a judicial or administrative proceeding (e.g., to respond to a subpoena or discovery request).
We will not let anyone access your PHI through the Health Information Exchange, or any other means, without your consent, except in the emergency or unless you direct us otherwise. In any other situation not covered by this Notice of Privacy Practices, PinkBridge will ask for your written authorization before using or disclosing your PHI. If you choose to authorize disclosure, you are permitted to revoke that authorization at any time, except to the extent that we have already relied on it, by notifying in writing of your decision addressed to the PinkBridge, 251 W 30th Street, FL 5, New York, NY, 10001.
This Notice describes your rights with respect to your PHI. We are required by HIPAA to provide this Notice to you.
You have a right to:
Inspect and obtain a copy in either electronic or paper form of any PHI that may be used to make decisions about you and your treatment for as long as we maintain this information in our records. To inspect or obtain a copy of your health information, please submit your request in writing. We will respond to your request within 10 days.
Request that PHI that we maintain about you be amended or corrected. We are not obligated to make all request amendments but will give each request careful consideration. To be considered, your amendment request must be in writing, signed by you or your representative, and state the reasons for the amendment/correction request.
Ask us to restrict or limit the protected health information we use and share about you. You have a right to request restrictions on certain of our uses and disclosures of your PHI for healthcare operations, disclosures made to persons involved in your care, and disclosures for disaster relief purposes. For example, you may request that we do not disclose your PHI to your spouse. Your request must describe in detail the restrictions you are requesting. We are not required to agree with your request but will attempt to accommodate reasonable requests.
Receive an accounting of certain disclosures made by us of your PHI. Examples of disclosures that we required to account for include those pursuant to valid legal process, or for law enforcement purposes. To be considered, your accounting request must be in writing and signed by you or your representative. The first accounting in any 12-months period is free; however, we may charge you a fee for each subsequent accounting you request within the same 12 months period.
Ask us to communicate with you about medical matters in a certain way or at a specific location.
Obtain a list of individuals or entities that have received your PHI from PinkBridge, subject to limits permitted by law
Be notified if your protected health information is improperly disclosed or accessed
Obtain a copy of this Notice
Submit a complaint
Notification: You will be notified within 60 days if your PHI has been disclosed to or accessed by a person who was not authorized to receive the information.
How may we use and share your protected health information with others?
The following categories describe different ways that we may use and disclose your protected health information. Not every use or disclosure will be listed, however, all the ways we are permitted to use and disclose your information will fall within at least one of the following categories.
For treatment: We may use or disclose protected health information about you to provide, coordinate or manage your medical treatment or services. We may disclose your PHI to doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and other personnel involved in your clinical care. We may share protected health information about you with non-PinkBridge healthcare providers, agencies, or facilities in order to provide or coordinate the different things you need, such as prescriptions, lab work, etc.
For payment: in order to receive payment for services we provide, we may use and share your protected health information with a third party.
For healthcare operations: We may use your protected health information to support our business activities and improve the quality of services. For example, we may use your protected health information to review the treatment and services that we gave you and to see how well our staff cared for you. We may share your information with our trainees and staff for review and learning purposes. Your protected health information may also be used or disclosed for accreditation purposes, and for healthcare contracting relating to our operations.
PinkBridge is required by law to follow the terms of this Notice or any change to it that is in effect. We reserve the right to change our practices and this Notice at any time and to make the new Notice effective for all PHI we maintain. When significant changes occur, we will change our Notice of Privacy Practices and post the Notice. You may receive a copy of the current NOPP at any time. Copies of the NOPP will be available each time you receive the treatment or upon your request.
If you have any questions, please contact PinkBridge at